
I was just informed by an unlikely source that my last blog entry was "depressing." It totally is. What a rotten note to end on! Things here are GREAT! School and work are going well as is my wife's PREGNANCY. Yup, that baby comin' in January is exciting. It's a boy but we're not telling the name yet.

Thanks for the email, JP. :-)


I feel like complaining. Nobody calls me back. I leave messages and never get return calls. From close friends, too. What gives? Oh, well...


"Jesus died to take away your sins, not your brain."


"good this"

Excellent email header I got today. Not quite as good as, "FREE PANTIES!" but it will do.


I thought these quotes about being "too transperant" were pretty interesting:

"People want to know you're human, but not much more"

Oswald Sanders wrote, "The crowd doesn't recognize a leader until he's gone; then they build a monument for him with the stones they threw at him in life."

During my leave of absence, I heard the story of a general who was severely wounded in battle. He told a captain to bring his coat. The captain was bewildered at the request. The general said, "The troops can see some blood, but they cannot see me hemorrhage." I had shown my troops too much blood.


Hi, fam

I wanted to share my experience from last night with you. I went to Kathy Gariety's memorial service in Milwaukee and it was one of the most inspiring and incredible things I've been a part of in a long time. Just a couple highlights:

If you have seen her picture you know she has puffy white hair. Well, this really cool looking black guy (sharp suit, hip glasses, tight haircut) got up to share during the sharing time and he talked (in a low, dignified voice) about telling his wife that Kathy had died. His wife couldn't place Kathy so he said, "You know. The white sistuh with the afro." The place went nuts when he said that! It was hilarious.

There was also a girl that reminded me a lot of Julie who shared. She was 24 and an obvious verbal processor (love you jules!) so it was cute to hear her talk. But she ended with a statement that went straight to my heart; I think I even moaned or gasped or something. She said, "Kathy was not only a strong Christian woman role model for me, she let me see somebody finish the race. Kathy finished her race and she finished strong." That thought amazed me. Kathy ran hard. She ran to win. And she finished.

Another cute story was that her pastor went to visit her for two weeks last year. While they were at the hospital she told him how to get to her apartment and so he walked there by himself just to see where it was and whatnot. He said her apartment was about a 5 minute walk for him. At the end of the day she asked if he was ready for the walk home. She said it would take a while. "Are you sick? I haven't seen you limping? It only took me 5 minutes!" She just looked at him and smiled and said it would take at least 20 minutes. So they left and as soon as they were out of the back gate he said, "Children just...appeared! Out of nowhere! Lots of kids, calling her by name, hugging her...They didn't come out for me earlier that day!" It did indeed take them 20 minutes to get home. Kathy was loved by the community there and reports say that hundreds lined the streets outside the hospital crying for their fallen friends.

Two more things:

God is incredible. Kathy's pastor told us that when he visited he learned that the staff had a little bible study every morning at 6:30. So at 6:30, an hour and a half to two hours before they were killed, they met together. I'm not sure how (there were others there that weren't killed) but he found out their text for THAT morning. Hebrews 11:4 "By faith Abel offered God a better sacrifice that Cain did. By faith he was commended as a righteous man, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith HE STILL SPEAKS, EVEN THOUGH HE IS DEAD." THAT is what God had them study just before they were killed for their faith. They do indeed still speak, even though they are dead.

Lastly, my pastor shared and it was incredible. He wept. In front of hundreds of people. This from a man who recently said to a friend, "You'll never see me cry again." Kathy was his youth leader and it was only him and his brother and another 2 kids from one other family. She was faithful to God and impacted his life. He thanked her and he thanked and encouraged "all youth leaders, paid or unpaid. To 2 kids, 4, 6, or 10. Be faithful...and thank you. I was a life who was changed because of that." It was amazing. We connected, we joked around together afterwards...he blessed me. We're talking this morning and I can't wait. Usually when we talk it's just trying to iron things out but today I'm excited to talk and be with him. Praise God.

Well, I hope you can get something out of this. It really helped me to write it all out. I only cried a few times again. :-) I hope you're all doing well and living each day for Christ!

grace and peace


I read a physician's description of the crucifixion and resurrection today...it left me in tears. That Christ would willingly go through that amount of pain, suffering, death...for me? for you? It's astounding.


"False teaching requires to be exposed; it is not enough to set the truth alongside it in the expectation that everyone will recognize which is which." - Premise of Jude


Is it really arrogant or idealistic of me to expect people to do things right and to obey simple rules? I specifically asked for something with my meal to be delivered and she said it would come for sure (they screwed it up last time, too) and of course they forgot again. Along with two other items I ordered. Julie can't get why I don't just "let it go" and I don't see why it's so wrong to call and let them know what they did wrong. Also, these people park in the "senior citizens" spot all the time and it just makes me so mad because they're young and selfish. How hard is it not to park there? Why is it so hard for me to just let it go? It just bothers me so much...